Kenalin Namaku "Emilie Simon"

Emilie Simon (penulisan yang benernya sih seperti ini "Émilie Simon" ada tanda kutip kecil di atas huruf E) lahir 17 Juli 1978, di Montpellier Perancis dia seorang penyanyi, penulis lagu dan komposer. Pertama kali denger lagunya yang "Rainbow-Emilie Simon" 

Emilie Simon


Well I said that we should run away
And live to fight another day
When I see the devil running free
I'm holding on to you and me
And the sun goes down when he's around
He just sets us up to put us down
Well I know we're not the only two
I'm just like you
Take my hand now
I'm not sure I can deal with it
Take my hand now
I'm not sure I can deal with it
Take my hand now
Are you gonna be the same
When they make you change your name
They just break us day by day
Into million of small pieces of rainbow
When do,you think it will rain?
I really wish it could rain now
Take my hand and see
We're still part of the rainbow
Well you hate yourself when you feel so weak
You hurt yourself and then you bleed
Well I know that you could change it all
If you really would
Are you gonna be the same
When they make you change your name
They just break us day by day
Into million of small pieces of rainbow
When do,you think it will rain?
I really wish it could rain now
Take my hand and see
We're still part of the rainbow
Are you gonna be the same
When they make you change your name
Are you gonna be the same
When they make you change your name
When people get strange I just run
You should know it, you should know
When people get strange all around
You should know it, you should know
When people get strange I just hide
You should know it, you should know
You should know it, you should know
(Merci à Nanouu pour cettes paroles) 

Mendengar Emilie Simon menyanyikan sebuah lagu, lebih pas dia menyanyikan lagu dengan bahasa dan logat Perancis-nya. Coba di nikmati aja sendiri yah "Dame de lotus - Emilie Simon"

Cara menikmatin lagu nya tidak usah dicari arti dari lirik lagunya ke bahasa indonesia, biar dinikmatin dengan bahasa perancis-nya, lagipula klo nanti di artikan ke bahasa indonesia agak beda isi pesan yang tersiratnya, yah klo mau di artikan ke bahasa Indonesia bebas sih. Intinya sok mengerti aja toh gak keluar di Ujian Nasional, UAS, Psikotes atau tidak bakalan di tanya pas nanti kita di alam kubur. 

Sedikit Foto dari Emilie Simon yang cocok dipanggil mbak atau teteh yah? tapi yang lebih cocok ini "Mademoiselle (madmwazell) Emilie".

Emilie Simon
Emilie Simon
Emilie Simon
Emilie Simon

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